Show Rules and Awards
The Nigerian Dwarf Specialty designation will be awarded only one (1) sponsor and event in any ADGA or District in any calendar year, plus one for an ADGA or AGS National Show.
An event is defined as a junior doe, senior doe, open doe, buck show, or a combination of those.
The specialty designations shall be assigned in the order in which the ANDDA Specialties Committee has received them and for which they qualify. Applications will be accepted from October 1 through March 31.
Specialty designations will not be awarded to the same sponsor two years in a row, to any two shows within 200 miles within the same week nor to any show that does not meet with the approval of the Directors. Exceptions may be made if no other applications exist in the same District.
The show sponsor applying for the specialty designation agrees to supply a report of at least, the GCH, RGCH and BOB and the top three placings in each group class. Also required are photos of at least BOB, GCH, RGCH within (45) forty-five days of completion of the show. All photos will become the property of ANDDA. Sponsors are also encouraged to send pictures of group class winners.
For each show granted a specialty status, special awards will be provided for BOB, GCH, and RGCH. The BOB medallion will only provide when a Champion Challenge class is offered by the show sponsor. The ANDDA will also provide a certificate of award for the group classes that the host club has included in their application. The sanctioning group may offer additional prizes and awards and are encouraged.
The fee for Specialty Awards program is $50 and is payable via the ANDDA Specialty online application form.
Group classes are encouraged but optional. A certificate will be sent for each group class requested. Any special awards for group classes shall be provided by the sponsoring organization. The group class selection is determined by the sponsor.